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La nostra è un’attività storica, una tradizione di famiglia, che iniziò mia madre Caterina
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“Where everything is changeable, on the banks of time.
Chrysalides, we are the space of a glance. We fall to rise again..” 

Enchanted water lilies, fairytale dresses in a timeless place.
"You are the only person I can talk to about the shadow of a star, the music of a river.
And how, when today I entered a forest and looked into the face of a large oak tree, it smiled at me with all its gnomes and elves.."

Water lilies collection, taken in the Royal Palace of Portici with original tiaras from the 1800s, coming from London.
A timeless atmosphere for the new 2023 collection.

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 " Una bellezza senza tempo" . Ed è proprio in un luogo magico come Villa Campolieto splendida villa vesuviana dei primi del 700 dove si è svolto lo shooting fotografico della nuova collezione. Una bellezza senza tempo ...sembrano essere le modelle che si fondono come nobildonne rinascimentali tra le meravigliose sale affrescate ricche di arte e di unicità.


Each dress tells a love story that first passes through the emotion of those who create it and then flows into the rapt eyes of a young bride.

“You are simply beautiful, like a quickly picked flower, like an unexpected gift, like a stolen glance or a heartfelt hug.

You are beautiful and it doesn't matter that the world knows, you are truly beautiful, but only for those who know how to look at you..” (Alda Merini)


For those who choose when, what and how to celebrate their important moments. For informal weddings, eighteenth birthdays, town hall weddings, special events, memorable parties.
For your unique day, your way.

The world is in the hands of those who have the courage to dream and take the risk of living their dreams.
(Paulo Coelho)

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